
Thread in 'Game-Related' started by TheDoodAbides, Aug 9, 2009.

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  1. Greeting from a distant and magical land! Not wanting to hijack Madgirl's thread, I decided to make a new one; for a few of you this isn't the first thread of return you're seeing - but I hope that it will be the last.

    Where did I go?
    I don't know. It feels like an entire lifetime since I left because of the pressures of school, friends and all the normal things that make people move on.

    Where am I now?
    Vellore, India. Same house, same corner in front of the same computer, sitting on the same chair.

    What have I done between then and now?
    I managed to do pretty well in my boards (year 10 and 12)
    I didn't manage to get into the National Institute of Design (the best in the country) - but I was pretty surprised when I did get through the first round (something that I had written purely for the heck of it, I had absolutely no idea what design even was, no artistic skills, and no preparation)
    So now I'm doing a B.Tech in chemical engineering - with no real aim of becoming an engineer.

    Why am I back?
    I don't know. Yesterday when I was showing off this site as 'the place where I grew up' to a friend, I realized that there was something I really missed - apart from all the awesome people of course - the ability to be so ridiculously creative, and to have a place where to express said creativity. I wanted back.
    Now, I know the last time I tried I did a pretty bad job of RPing - but I think its worth another shot. That, and Jess is gonna kill me over a certain thread I left hanging :D
    SO, I'm back.

    What are the chances I'm gonna stick around?
    I'm in my first year of college right now, and the work load is pretty heavy. Also I've got some pretty screwy college timings, so I get very little internet access.
    For the next few weeks I'll definitely be scare since my sisterdearest is getting married, and I've got my first round of exams coming up.

    Oh well, I'll still be around more than I have been over the last 4 years! Hoping to soon be back into the swing of things. Oh yeah, and sorry for the huge wall of text :P

  2. Welcome back! (again :p) I love when people come back, it awesome to think of how big of an effect this site can have on people. Big enough to keep pulling 'em back :D

    Good luck on your upcoming exams, I've been also writing some as well, and congrats to your sister!

    p.s. I very much enjoyed the big wall of text, this time of year could always use more large post.
  3. =) Thanks a lot! I'm currently in a state of ecstasy 'cos I get most of Wednesday off - every day! :D Moar comp time, wewts. One thing I've been wondering though, where is everyone? o_O The place seems awfully quiet!
  4. Yarr, welcome back! This place is generally quiet during the summer. :] Always makes me happy when people pop back in for a spell though.

    Sounds like you've been up to a heck of a lot though. ^_^ I'm sure that once you fit into the groove of college, you'll be able to handle it easily enough. For me, my hardest year was actually the second year. After that, everything was a breeze (sort of).

    Congrats to your sister! Aaaah, people are growing up all over the place! XD G'luck with the exams.
  5. *wiggle dances and then pounces you!!!!!*

    Your baaaaaack! I miiisssed youuuu!!!! -spaz!-

    Im so happy for your sister! And totaly, goodluck on your exams!
    When you have time. We neeeeed to RP! Holy cow! *wiggles!*

  6. Aww, thanks for the :heart:!
    I think I'm gonna be bar tending at the pool party - Which is gonna be hilarious 'cos I have not the first clue on what where and when :D
  7. Coooooooolduuuuuuuuuude!!!

    *tackleglomps* :pie: We needz threadz. Cos I say so :P Glad you're back too!!!
  8. Wewt, I've sent in my character profile! Hope the system works X_x While reading through my old characters I realized that I never really felt much of a link with most of them... So I'm planning on deleting a few. I know, its a horrid thing to do, but I don't feel right having them hanging around limp, never to see the sun.

    Should I though?

    I put a lotta effort into this last one, think I'm really gonna be able to bring him to life =)
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