Thread in 'General Chat' started by Skylink, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. *dance* :musicnote:
  2. More importantly: did you win anything? :P
  3. Me, personally, no. However, I've manipulated enough people so I know I'm getting some money anyway. My cousin being one of them (he won $400). =p

    Patriots or Giants, I was getting something from someone =], I'm just glad that my team won =D I've been a crafty guy lately.
  4. Sneaky. So it was win-win for you whatever the outcome. I don't really follow sports. Not even hockey. I'm such a bad Canadian. XD
  5. i had money on both teams...but i would have won a bigger jack pot if the patriots won.

  6. Should've put your money on New York =]

    Also, Sinok, that song "Cant get you out of my head."

    Every time I hear it, I see you... bouncing up and down with that huge smile..

    O_@ It was odd.
  7. I dont watch hockey either, stupid flames had to have their big winning streak when i was 16 and couldnt go party!! GRR nothing will ever top that original red mile.

    I didnt even watch the super bowl, thought I was gambling, was at the casion playing(well watching my boyfriend play) black jack (because i am afraid of table games and doing somthing stupid and people laughing at me) which we lost any way...stupid 21...grr
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