A question about the health services

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Fey, Jul 25, 2007.

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  1. Okay I was thinking as I as walking home one day in one of those thoughtful daydreams as I do alot of. When suddenly I thought "Hang on what is the health service like in Ral." By that I mean is it like the UK's national health service where everyone pay's via a little extra in taxes or is it like the USA's privatised one where you pay after your op.

    Just a thought.
  2. I believe it'd be more like a national health service. So general sicknesses, diseases, and injuries would be treated without hesitation.

    Surgery involving the installation of robotic limbs and the like, ie. stuff not necessary for survival, would be privatized and a character would have to pay an awful lot of money for something like that.
  3. Ah thought so, cheers for the quick response. oh what about alternate health care?
  4. I'm not quite sure what you mean by that... alternate, as in what exactly?
  5. Oh as in other methods of healing instead of pill's and such. You know the other ways to cure people that the pharmaceutical companies don't like.
  6. Such as herbal remedies? Or do you mean a kind of "Do-it-yourself-fixer-upper" method, like if you have a broken bone, have someone reset it for you, splint it and carry on with life? Those in a profession wouldn't like that. Can you be a little more specific?
  7. A broad category of treatment systems (eg, chiropractic, herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, and spiritual devotions) or culturally based healing traditions such as Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Christian Science. Alternative medicine is also referred to as complementary medicine.


    Sorry bit touchy right now long shouting match between me and step dad a few hours ago. I won.

    Anyway is this a bit more specific?
  8. K, well we don't really need the attitude.

    Yes that is more clear. Many of the things you've listed would come under the Healing trade, as it says:

    "The art of using medicinal practice and knowledge in order to treat everything from simple physical cuts and bruises to worse injuries, including those of the emotional and mental persuasion."

    Ayurveda, though, sounds more like something that may be practised by clans, or religious sects, rather than on the open market. Or it could be something done privately, like acupuncture.

    If you can find a practise, it can be done here as well (:
  9. Whoa I didn't think it was that much attitude was it??

    Anyway this all returns to funding, most private clinics are generally semi paid for by the government as well as paid by billing the individuals
  10. Simmer down chill'un. :]

    As for other medial practises, I don't see why they couldn't at least be partially funded by the government. Unless it's just... some dude practising out of his basement and harvesting kidneys. >_> Then there might be a problem.

    I think that regardless of their medical field/specialization... they could appeal to the government and get a license in order to have a legal medical practise. Of course, I'm not saying that there aren't any illegal practises out there... which I'm sure there are.
  11. Thanks I was just wondering as usual.

    I plan far too far in advance had to check.

    Well i hope that was thought provoking.
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