002. Favourite/least favourite forum areas?

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by shriker, Oct 26, 2006.

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  1. What are your favourite IC areas to post on in the forum and why?

    Whether it be because some neat RPs have taken place there, or something as simple as liking the area description.

    In addition, what's your least favourite area and why?
  2. A: My most favourite forum in which to post has to be Vivuli, because it's like a tropical rain forest, and such things have always interested me; places out of the city are cool ^_^ But there's more to it than just an interest. You can never find everything in a forest. A city is set out. Sooner or later, you'll find nearly everything.

    Wide, open, naturally formed places always seem to have a certain abstruseness about them, because no one's fully chartered them.

    My least favourite would have to be the Southern Hemisphere, as a whole. There're only 4 threads in that area - which is sad really. The South needs quite a bit of imagination and dedication to pull off a respectable thread. That is either because there's so little in the, seemingly unimportant, sites, or what is there is so integral (like the Menlo competitions, Krokino Prison and Black Rune Casino) that it sometimes feels like, if I were to post in them, the posts wouldn't be good enough. I think the South could do with new attractions. *Opens Word, as he's stuck his foot in it*

    A lot of the activity is occurring in the North, because, I think, it has a more varied array of settings and potentially flexible plot lines, whereas the South almost feels like it's a cordened off area, used for approved threads :P

    But saying that, it's my personal intention to have a thread in every region soon enough.
  3. A: Personally I like the Bhim part of the southern hemisphere best, mostly because it seems overall more malignant. Although, I do like the black market because it reminds me the slightest bit of New York City (home away from home =P) and a small bit of Covent Gardens at night. Don't ask why, I don't know. Also reminds me of the shadier areas near where I live. *shrugs, I just like it*

    What I don't really like is the wester hemisphere, it would be a great place to rp, but it seems so exclusive to the kinds of threads you can do there. It's also very small, not much areas to rp in, surely there's more? I think there are 2 threads going on there at the moment...
  4. I think minimizing lesser-used areas and giving them a general forum would work nicely, myself.

    Hm... I like the Machina ruins. Quiet, peaceful, and full of interesting things... Mmyep.

    Least favorite?
    OOC AREAS WHERE I SEEM TO BE STUCK BECUZ I SUX AT RP. *g-gasphorrorshock!!!*
  5. Janadaran is my favorite. I like the highschool drama without it being like the OC. HAHAHAHA

    Least? Um...anywhere that is not on RaL
  6. IÂ’ve always been attracted to the East Coast Fishing Piers, mainly because I have a thing for cities/small towns right on the water. And if my memory serves me correctly IÂ’ve had a few fun threads there.

    And even as I find it a nice spot to RP, I think Janardan is probably the easiest just because of all the young characters running around and that itÂ’s probably one of the most developed forums.

    Least? Hmmm, I donÂ’t think I have a least, there are lots of places I havenÂ’t RPed before, but itÂ’s mainly because I know my characters wouldnÂ’t be there, so yeah, guess I restrict myself.
  7. Dhruv, definitely.

    I didn't do 'many' RPs there but the ones that I did do there were pretty fun. The best time would be the one day I'm in upstate NY, close to the forest, posting in the mountain range. You really smell the air as you type. =p

    Least would have to be at NRF, because what I planned to do there I can hardly even attempt to do since I have college to prepare for... and believe me... the college process is hard. If I can do more for that area though, I don't think this would be least.
  8. Fave: Samundra Ocean, City of Aurius

    Least: Mansukh

    'nuff said
  9. I like the Vivuli Jungle and The Black Market. These two places offer me plenty to work with. I think its easiest to have my character Jahhar strolling in Vivuli, for instance, looking for some herbs for an alchemy class. Then there is plenty of other things that can happen while he is on his adventure: wild creatures, other players, ect.

    The Black Market has always been a good place for different plots. The darkened city feel has always been inspiring to me.
  10. Well, My favorite place on all of RaL has to be Ajita. It just seems like it would be a type of city you'd see in Britian. Y'kno? I've never been there personally, but Rp'ing in a places you wanna be is the purpose of this eh? :)

    Hmm, a least favorite place? I don't have one. They're all so descriptive, much better than I could dream of writing. ^_^
  11. Just letting you know - I've just attached a poll to this thread, so you can now vote on your favourite area.

    It's already pretty apparent which places are the least liked due to how many threads take place in each, buuut, I'm scheming again. So votes and replies to this thread with your thoughts on the different places would be very much appreciated. :)
  12. Fav... Swaraj. 'cus its pretty.

    least fav... Dhruv. too cold and lonely

    though i do also love the machina ruins, tis thought provoking.
  13. I would ahve to say................
  14. I agree with Darky with Aurius

    but I think Bhim is the least
  15. Yeah, it seems like Aurius is quite the popular place. Swaraj as well, but I'm willing to bet that that's mostly due to Janardan being there.

    The main reason why I'm bringing this up is because I've got an environmental design class this semester and I plan on (hopefully) throwing some Ramathian scenes together for it. Can't exactly go wrong there if it's a school project.
  16. Favorite: Gyakasatu
    Why: I really like large mysterious forests and it has alot of possibilities to hide secret and forbidden things....
    Least Fav: Thunder plains. Not enough stuff there to get a decent RP in unless you're starting an epic multi- continental journy.
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