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Thread in 'Game-Related' started by shriker, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. shriker

    shriker Administrator Magos

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    We are finally back up! So what the heck just happened? Let me tell you my tale. The downtime was in order to implement a new Content Management System (CMS) for the entire site. Which in short means that I'll be able to let specific people edit *any* page on the site.

    So why the hold up? Well last night I ended up getting sick during the middle of the changes. Perfect timing, I know. Then this morning I was having internet connection issues, then host issues, and then finally a cache issue.

    But here we are! You'll notice that the forum URL has changed back to what it used to be in order to accommodate for how content on the site is going to be server. A few things are still unfortunately broken - namely, some aspects of character editing and a few other things that are missing. Just be patient for the time being. I'll get everything back up and running.

    In the meantime, this is looking pretty slick.
  2. ang0224

    ang0224 Adept

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    yep this is looking pretty slick
  3. Lautir

    Lautir Moderator Magos

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    The whole site is looking slick! And I'm really starting to notice the influence from the very first Ramath layout :D Just looking at that species page makes me want to make more characters.

    Hope you're feeling better Jodie!
  4. shriker

    shriker Administrator Magos

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    Yep, I'm a lot better. If you ignore the random bits of coughing now. XD We're calling what I have Avian Pork SARS. Actually sounds a little tasty.
  5. phylus

    phylus Adept

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    man, avian pork sars!? Jodie, let's make-out!

    i think the site looks beautiful, although d: looking over at Enny's lukuo makes me want to make the background for the feydragon transparent! it looks smexy.

    but then, so does the rest of the site. super chic, grrl. (;
  6. Temrin

    Temrin Pillow Cat Magos

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    So awesome! This is great. i love the colors, the layout and everything. I just absolutely LOVE IT.

    ^0^ -wiggles-
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