Grading System

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Revision as of 21:23, 7 March 2010 by Phylus (talk | contribs) (How it has Evolved: Added Lakmir as 'Grading ceremonies master'.)
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How it Works

The Grading System has been around for ages, even before the "Graders" were in power. Back before pendragons became "civilized" and space travel had not been invented, the pendragon race depended soley on hunting and gathering their food. The Grading System was devised in order to determine who was in charge of the hunt. The individual with four Grading Stripes on his or her face (usually two short and thin stripes on each cheek) was the one that was in charge of the hunt. So whether the hunt was a failure or a success depended upon them fully. Pendragons with one stripe were usually beginner hunters while pendragons with two or three stripes were more experienced hunters.

How it has Evolved

Like many things, the Grading System has evolved over time. Some see it now as just a waste and barbaric custom, others seek hard to "attain their Stripes". Instead of the leader of the hunt bearing four stripes. Stripes are now given out according to either heroic acts or useful deeds performed by the pendragon. Each stripe represents a formidable feat. The Stripes are often given out by the current ruling family. Presently, Lakmir Grader is responsible for Grading ceremonies.

The Process

Just like pendragon tattoos, the stripes are carved into the flesh with a sharp tool or someone's handy tail blade. The stripe is then infused with a sealing sort of dye and then a tail flame is used to burn the flesh so that it won't heal back. Flinching during this process has been known to cause some family shame.


While many pendragons would rather keep the Stripes that they earn, there are a few unique individuals who have gone through a process known as "Degrading." Degrading is the disfiguration of a pendragon's Grading stripes, usually done by a government official. In order for a pendragon to be Degraded, they must commit a severe crime in the eyes of the law. The most popular crimes for Degrading are betrayal, treason and murder.

Degrading is not a very popular practise anymore due to the death sentence often being given in its place. However, it is still sometimes used among more royal bloodlines. The most recent, and last highly publicized Degrading was received by Terez Dragyn. Terez Dragyn was highly suspected of murdering his parents, the Arch Magosai Sari and Arch Magos Thanos Dragyn. As a result, his face and Grading Stripes were disfigured by Zamfir Grader.